Welcome to your new billing platform! We are still working on this platform to make sure all functionality is working and we will be introducing new features and products to the system shortly.

If you are going to be paying any invoices off, please make sure you get in touch with the billing department. You can do this by submitting a billing ticket or by emailing them at: billing@iracknet.com.

We will hopefully be enabling payments via the website which will allow you to pay any invoices off by accessing a WorldPay payment portal in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, you can pay invoices via BACS or Cheque. Our bank account information will appear on any due invoices at the top right hand corner when the "BACS" payment method is selected. If you want to send a cheque change the payment method to "Cheque" and our postal address will be shown in the top right hand corner. Alternatively, you can call the billing department on 0161 711 0537 between 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday).


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

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