How to create an FTP Account in SiteWorx?

You can use the default FTP username and password to gain access to your files and folders on your website using the FTP connection. However, if you want to create an FTP user account for a specific folder or you don't want to allow access to your root files then you can create a separate FTP account. 

1. Log into your SiteWorx account. Example: 

2. Under "SiteWorx Menu", click the "Hosting Features" menu item if it is not already open. 

3. Click the "FTP" menu item and then click on "Accounts" option.

4. Under the "Add an FTP Account" box you will need to fill in the following details: 

FTP Username: Enter an FTP username that you wish. This can be anything apart from: ftp@ (as there is already an account called that)
Password: Enter new FTP password in the password field and the confirm password field. Remember to use a strong, random generated password to keep the FTP account secure.
Home Directory: You can leave it as it is and it will grant access to all files and folders that the default FTP username can see or you can select home directory and limit to one specific folder if you desire.

5. Click on the "Add" button. Once done you should see the FTP account listed under the "Existing FTP accounts" table. 

You should now be able to access your FTP account 

FTP Port: 21
FTP Password: Your FTP password

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