If your email services are hosted on the DirectAdmin platform and need to know how to add a new email account then this guide is for you. All you need to do is follow these steps.
1. Log into your DirectAdmin account by going to: https://daweb01.iracknet.com:2222/
2. Locate the "E-Mail Manager" section.
3. Click on "E-Mail accounts".
4. Enter the email address you wish to create. For example: contact (If you manage more than one domain within the same control panel, select the appropriate domain from the menu)
5. Enter a password into the password box or use the built in random password generator. Passwords need to be secure - They should be unique, randomly generated and at least a minimum of 17 characters long.
6. Change the email quota or leave it at the default setting and then click on the "Create Account" button.
(Send Limit - By default an email account will be able to send 200 emails an hour. This should be adequate for most accounts - If you need to increase you will need to get in touch with support by raising a support ticket)